August 05, 2002
You Don't Call, You Don't Write

F-16s Pursue Unknown Craft Over Region

H. likes to bring newspaper articles of interest over to my desk. When he brought over a page of the Washington Post, I was surprised to see that it wasn't the usual work-related fare.

Radar detected a low, slow-flying aircraft about 1 a.m. yesterday, according to a military official.

"You'd usually see this in the National Enquirer," he said. "Can you believe it's in the Post?"

Creepy, I said.

Controllers were unable to establish radio communication with the unidentified aircraft, and NORAD was notified.

"I'm getting tired of this," he said. "Who are these aliens, lurking around all these years, not even coming out and staying for dinner?" he said. "Who wants to meet them, after all that?"

Well, I said, maybe it's a publicity stunt for that Mel Gibson movie about the crop circles.

When the F-16s carrying air-to-air missiles were launched from Andrews, the unidentified aircraft's track faded from the radar, the military official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"Crop circles!" he said, scoffing. "Again, what is it with these people? What are those things, anyway--intergalactic graffiti?"

[Renny] Rogers remains convinced that what he saw was not routine. "It looked like a shooting star with no trailing mist," he said. "I've never seen anything like it."

Posted at August 05, 2002 09:25 PM