September 04, 2002
Idol Gossip

Announcement from The Management:

We at Kitty Joyce Productions are experiencing problems with our DSL connection. As a result, postings are expected to be episodic and possibly lime Jello flavored.

We expect the problem will be resolved eventually. Er, shortly.

I understand tonight is the finale of American Idol. This is a show I have never watched. But I thought it apropos to mention a couple of my own idols:

Back in the early '90s (that is to say, before the Internet), I lived in a small Southern Indiana town and experienced a temporary new music drought. So I listened to a lot of X. A lot as in "all the time." Recently, I was excited to see an interview with Exene in the latest Perfect Sound Forever.

I think that the way feminism has gotten turned around against women is just totally shocking to me. I think sexual liberation is fine, but I think that when women make the choice that it's better financially to be a stripper than front a band, I just part company there.

Also, in the most recent Venus zine, a fun interview with Kim Gordon, conducted by Julie Cafritz:

JC: You're lying. You're so natural when you deny it -- just how you denied being a mystery-novel reader and also talking baby-talk to your cat.
KG: I hardly talk to my cat.

Do you baby talk to your cat? Or do you talk philosophy with Fluffy? Discuss.

Posted at September 04, 2002 05:07 PM

Viv tells me that Exene's ex-hubby is Viggo Mortensen, Aragorn from LOTR.

I had no idea, and suppose I should verify it.

Posted by: Mike on September 4, 2002 10:20 PM

I baby talk the proverbial pants off my cat, and now that I know that Kim Gordon does, too, I'll never be ashamed of it again.
An ex-friend of mine helped make breakfast for Exene after she played the Fireside Bowl a few years back. Boy was I JEALOUS!

Posted by: laurie on September 6, 2002 12:06 AM
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