October 29, 2002
Night Falls On Chicago

The annual time change has done its magic here, rendering the city pitch-black at 5 p.m. and me incapable of coherent thought.

What I want to do is hibernate, eat chocolate, and whine, not necessarily in that order. However, none of that makes for fascinating reading.

Mimi Smartipants has a good illustration of what this season feels like; check out her ruminations about riding the el at night.

It's a season of hurrying frantically from one indoor location to another. Before it gets too cold, though, I'm using it as an opportunity to practice my outdoor night photography.

As you can see, I have some way to go. For some reason my flash won't illuminate the entire Wrigley building.

I did enjoy this advertisement, whose aim is apparently to make angst-filled rich people buy Italian sweaters. Woe is us, Sergio! I will pout and show my cheekbones to good advantage. I lament cardigans and George Clooney haircuts and the declining stock market! Is it too late to join Pulp?

Posted at October 29, 2002 06:39 PM

With all the gray weather we had the past week, it was depressing to walk outside at 5:15 and feel like I needed a flashlight.

Love the last photo - way cool!

Posted by: brian on October 30, 2002 12:21 PM

My order: eat chocolate. whine. hibernate when too full of chocolate to eat another bite.
Wake up and whine.
Start over.

How many months until the sun shines again?

Posted by: Laurie on October 31, 2002 10:48 PM

Yes, the only good thing about the time change is that it usually coincides with Halloween and chocolate aplenty.

Posted by: Anne on November 1, 2002 08:59 AM
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