Off to DC for a few days. No more entries until after 12/11, when I return.
But first a few notes:
From the It's a Matter of Semantics Department:
You could call it a cut if you like. We're saying it's a return to the normal level of funding that we found in 2001.
--a spokesman for a federal agency involved in the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, from which the Bush administration has proposed cutting $300 million (from its $1.7 billion budget), quoted in the New York Times.
I expect his office is heated, however.
And, from the Consider the Source Department:
I believe we should err on the side of sensationalism, rather than on the side of being boring....Because why should people read the paper if it's boring?
--Neil Steinberg of the Sun-Times, speaking at a panel featuring speakers from the Chicago media scene, including both daily newspapers, the Reader, and Northwestern's Medill School. (Via Media News)
Posted at December 05, 2002 07:21 PM
Don't you think you should add your own personal postscript to my quote? Something along the lines of:
"Of course, I'm not a person who makes my living by people paying for my writing."
Just in the name of the candor you profess to savor.
Neil Steinberg
Posted by: Neil Steinberg on September 5, 2003 08:01 PM