Photo to contemplate during the pause:
Mosaic in People's Park, Bloomington, IN, December 2002
Posted at December 05, 2002 07:25 PMamusingly, when I was a teenager, folk wisdom held that the old design of People's Park (which I take is no longer a parking lot for heavy equipment) was a reflection of a desre on the part of the city to make surveilance easy.
Prior to that landscaping, the park had been heavily overgrown with a grove of saplings planted after the bookstore and underground newspaper offices there burned to the grpound in the late sixties or early seventies.
On friend of mine claimed to have been conceived in the park during this sylvan phase, when, apparently, the trees provided cover for much hippy goings on, including teepees and, um, child conception.
The open sight lines never prevented us from downing forties or partaking of the herb, however.
Posted by: mike on December 5, 2002 08:49 PMIf these "eyes" start popping up everywhere you can bet it has something to do with "Big Brother", what a novel idea, conceal a camera as an eyeball! What next
Posted by: Blaine Hilton on December 12, 2002 01:17 PM