Talked to a friend today about why she never read the Lord of the Rings. Apparently, as a child, she found her mother crying over the last book. This made her so sad she hasn't been able to bring herself to read them, ever.
Friend: She told me she was crying because she would never have the experience of reading them for the first time again.
Friend's husband, in background: Well, I was going to buy you a diamond bracelet, honey, but I didn't because then I would never have that experience for the first time again.
Posted at January 01, 2003 12:38 PMinterestingly, I had the same reaction to the first movie - I mean, I was crying because of Jackson's masterful emotional manipulation (the man is shameless) and Sean Bean's beautiful, perfectly perrformed scenes at the end of the film (my god!), but also because I knew it was over.
The next time would be more analytic, and that I will never, ever, have such a filmgoing experience again. No one else will be the first to make a truly great movie from the most important book of my childhood again.
Posted by: mike on January 1, 2003 10:11 PM