For the last two days, it has been light outside when I've left work, and the temperature has been above freezing. This causes unaccustomed lightness of heart here at B&W. Indeed, it makes us feel all swirly and girly and like going shopping.
If you are not feeling swirly and girly, you might need to skip this one and go here.
Despite the current grim political situation, or perhaps because of it, I am seeing hope for better days in the shopping mall. Surely there's no problem, or at least no outfit, that can't be solved with the right strappy high heels. And how bad can the situation be with a new skirt, especially one that has flowers, or maybe pleats? And if mankind can create a raincoat that needs doesn't need to be handwashed in the bathroom sink, as my current one unfortunately does, surely we can work for world peace.
I look forward to shedding the winter wear for more festive clothes, even though the temperature won't go up until June. Oh, and Chicago dwellers? Two things we won't need to see again next year: the hat with ear flaps and anything Burberry. Really, I think we are all over these--and I do mean over.
I will be sorry to put aside my own hats, however. This year I bought a couple of sporty caps, which I've been wearing (one at a time) at a rakish angle, in what I find is sort of a Brandy-like way.
As bizarre as this is, it doesn't bother me as much as the day in 1995 when I wore a different hat and was likened to Hillary Clinton. Does this mean there's a little Brandy in me? Well..perhaps there is in everyone. If there's no Brandy in you, there may be a little Hillary. And what'll you do then?