September 08, 2003
Oh Yeah, I'm Going to Go Real Far

B&W is going on vacation.

We hope to return with pictures, stories, and a new and improved attitude.

Photo to contemplate during the pause:

This sign sits in front of one of our favorite Indiana bookstores. The proprietor sponsored E.'s radio show for years and holds some rather eclectic views, a few of which may (or may not) be reflected here.

Anarchism is a game at which the police can beat you.
We buy classical and jazz CDs
--(Bloomington, IN, July 2003)

Back Sept. 22.

Posted at September 08, 2003 06:51 PM

And they actually have a advertorial website:

Posted by: Eric Sinclair on September 8, 2003 07:01 PM

Oh, the nostalgia is flooding my brain. Caveat Emptor! QAX! I'm going to start singing "White Rabbit" in a minute.

Enjoy your vacation, both of you!! I'm so glad you have a chance to get away from it all right now.

Posted by: Laurie on September 8, 2003 08:31 PM

one of a series of flyers I did for them.

"subjectological dilatation" was a phrase i found in a gen-you-wine academic journal that I had the care of typesetting at the time.

Posted by: mike on September 8, 2003 10:09 PM

i liked this one too. "I parayed the cash woulkdn't go off". "Honest Janis, the Used Book King."

heh to the b to the double-shivvin d.

Posted by: mike on September 8, 2003 10:12 PM
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