September 22, 2003
No One Is to Blaine

Ah, intercontinental jetlag. What else leaves you perky at 6 a.m. and yawning and cranky at 6 p.m.?

We're back, with fabulous intercontinental hacking coughs, a sky-high pile of items for the dry cleaner, and lots of stories and pictures. Currently, however, all I want to do is sit on the couch in my fleecy robe with a pile of magazines.

So this will have to do for now.

Here's a photo of semi-reknowned magician David Blaine, who, in his own words, "will endure starvation in solitary confinement suspended from a crane by the River Thames in a glass box for 44 days." Yes, B&W went to London and all you get (for today) is an American doing a pointless publicity stunt.

As the photo shows, he really isn't up to much, although given his circumstances there isn't really much to be up to. The day we were there, Londoners were treating the whole thing like a circus, milling around underneath and eating ice cream. Apparently since then things have gotten uglier, with hooligans throwing eggs and former Beatles showing up and, apparently, just making everything worse.

Posted at September 22, 2003 06:36 PM

Have you read the story "The Hunger Artist" by Kafka? Quite appropriate relative to Mr. Blaine.

Posted by: brian on September 23, 2003 05:12 PM
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