October 09, 2003

Through the back window I thought I saw the color of her dress.
"Which way does it go?" Hmm, buddy, that's the bus called Happiness.

Driving home from Indiana this weekend, we took the long route and stopped at Musgrave's Orchard. E. shopped for cider while I stared indecisively at barrels of apples and taffy. In the end, we settled for a half gallon of cider, a half peck of Jonathans, and a little autumn atmosphere.

We had been there about this time eight years ago, with some of the usual suspects. The four of us had been in town for a wedding and stopped in here during a leisurely drive back up north.

It was a weird time. E. and I had just moved to Chicago and were barely unpacked. At home, Grumpy Sean, whom we barely knew, was staying at our house. On returning home, a mass exodus to a Vietnamese restaurant in Uptown took place. Later, M & V returned to Seattle. As a group, the four of us wouldn't be back in Indiana together for another three years.

Posted at October 09, 2003 07:37 PM

Ah, I can smell it yet. You bought cider I hope?

Posted by: mike whybark on October 12, 2003 06:43 PM

oops, silly me. posting without reading. Looka the hairfarmers!

Posted by: mike whybark on October 12, 2003 06:45 PM
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