January 13, 2004
Why I Identify with Fire Ants, and Other Posts Unwritten

This guy has developed a blogging flowchart, attempting to map all the steps in the process. (I seem to have added extra steps, like "dither for a while before publishing.")

He also lists what blog writers vs. readers want to see in 2004. Not surprisingly, writers want to see more constructive criticism/feedback (you mean you didn't have anything to say about my 2600-word rumination on 'why I identify with fire ants'?), while readers want to see more original material and insight, less groupthink and lockstep. Here here!

(via NON)

Posted at January 13, 2004 07:32 PM

you identify with fire ants?

me too!

Posted by: mike whybark on January 13, 2004 09:09 PM
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