A long time ago, I started a brief listserv flurry with what was known as the indiepop haiku. (The list archives don't seem to exist anymore, but this was named a "best thread" in the poplist poll of 1995, apparently.) I started it with this unlikely verse:
My cat on the stairs
Listens to Pavement and yawns.
"Range Life" is her fave.
I was reminded of this when I read the "Jewel Case Chanson" at Hit Those Keys:
And that's when I decided to brainstorm a found-poem using the artist names and CD titles I could read from where I sat. A poem that employed at least a dozen of these, used this found language in nearly every line, and was at least 16 lines long. And I couldn't change the grammatical contruction or break up any of the found bits (enjambments were permitted). Oh, and it needed to say something. That made sense, at least to the recipient.
Shall I try this at home? Given the size of our music collection, mine would be bound to be an epic poem. It sure sounds fun, though.
Posted at March 03, 2004 06:54 PM