August 04, 2004
The Wit and Wisdom of the Red Line

On the subway today, I was dismayed to find myself standing in the doorway across from an old fellow talking to himself. Over the noise of the train, I couldn't hear very much, just a continual stream of what sounded like a standard religious-maniac-with-aliens fixation in a vaguely European accent. As we came to the next stop, I heard his last two sentences: "They have come to earth to help us. And, of course, to make movies."

Now, he had me. I waited for more, but he got off the train.

Posted at August 04, 2004 09:09 PM

But of course to make movies! Now I'm simply yearning to know what *kind* of movies.

Posted by: Artichoke Heart on August 5, 2004 01:34 AM
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