September 02, 2004
Elves (Was a Hero to Most)*

B&W received word lately that some readers consider its content overly "serious." I admit that the state of things lately has made the B&W elves a little dour. (But let's be serious here. How dour can this place be? It's run by elves, for god's sake!)

Anyway, no one can be too serious with Robyn Hitchcock around. So this week I watched Storefront Hitchcock, where I heard him tell this lovely tale:

I was in a hotel once, standing there with a hangover, about to check out and there was this Muzak playing that was really bugging me. I asked if they could turn it off, they said no and when I asked why not, they said, 'Because it's pleasing.'

*Whoops, misspelled "Elvis."

Posted at September 02, 2004 08:01 PM