December 06, 2004
"I Never Got an Apology"

As previously noted, I don't make the stuff up, I just report it...

On the train, sat across from two nondescript middle-aged people. The man is reporting gleefully: "I got a message from (insert name here); he says, thanks, and he'll never use a public restroom again." The mention of (insert name here) aggravates the woman, who launches into a speech about how she doesn't like (insert name here). "He really crossed some inappropriate boundaries about public nudity," she says. The man agrees, and her rant continues; "...and I never got an apology," is its apex. They continue to look out the darkened window, side by side like matching salt and pepper shakers. She is frowning slightly; he looks completely blank.

Posted at December 06, 2004 06:41 PM

Nancy Gandhi of Under the Fire Star ( frequently reports snippets of conversation, with the same true-to-life feeling as you do.
And recently I have noticed that Briggy ( does the same.

You bring a different world to me, (or me to a different world) for just a moment, just a glimpse, like a door opening as someone passes through and the life on the other side is seen, complete, for a discrete instant, before we return to our own mundanities.

Posted by: Sivani on December 8, 2004 03:30 PM
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