March 19, 2005
Seen and Pondered

This sign gave us pause when we were in Southern Indiana last weekend.

How would this kind of seminar work? Does the student learn how to make prophecies? One's mind boggles at the syllabus ("Day One: How to Scare the Pants Off People"). Or is it a Great Books kind of thing ("Day One: Nostradomus Deconstructed")? Is there some sort of certification involved?

On the other hand, it could be just a seminar about this guy's prophecies, with no chance to make your own, which doesn't seem like much fun unless he were able to make customized predictions, like whether it's time to rotate the tires or who's going to win the NCAA.

There's no mention of how many people can attend this thing. Perhaps they have a screening procedure. I think it would be rather difficult if everyone became a prophet. Indeed, about one per workplace would be all we could stand. ("I predict that it's time to call maintenance for the copier!") Although it could be an effective management tactic ("If I don't have that report by Friday, you're going to be smited!"). Still, "prophet" wouldn't look half bad on a business card (and while I'm at it, let's bring back the use of nautical titles. Who wants to be "first mate"?)

So many questions, so few answers.

Posted at March 19, 2005 11:44 AM