The Village Voice SXSW blog is worth a read. It also pointed me toward Kitty Magik, the online presence of an entertaining zine with an ill-considered title. (Intentional misspellings really bug me.) Because E. is just discovering them, I'll point out an interview with the Decemberists.
I liked their column heralding 2005 as well. (It being March, this is not exactly timely, but anyway.)
2005 will be the year food tastes better and "alt-country" just becomes "country." 2005 will be the year people realize Joan Hiller is America's greatest music writer. 2005 will be the year reality TV dies, and the year we all renounce television, anyhow, and don't even notice. 2005 will be the year all our books are published, and the critics fall back in their stuffed chairs, and slap their foreheads with a weary palm, and go, "ahh, so THAT'S what they were trying to say!"
Posted at March 24, 2005 07:01 PM