August 19, 2005
Songs of Myself

ITunes provides mountains of absolutely useless data that can keep me fascinated for hours. For instance, here are the songs I started my days with for the last two weeks, at the midpoint of my trip to work (the part that starts with a 30-minute walk through downtown).

8/8, 8:04 a.m.: "Peg," Steely Dan
8/9, 7:59 a.m.: "The World at Large," Modest Mouse
8/10, 8:07 a.m.: "Shapes," The Long Winters
8/11, 7:56 a.m.: "Here I Dreampt I was an Architect," The Decemberists
8/12, 7:41 a.m.: "Hounds of Love," The Futureheads

8/15, 7:50 a.m.: "Idle Hands are the Devil's Plaything," Palace Brothers
8/16, 7:59 a.m.: "Only Love Can Break Your Heart," St. Etienne
8/17, 7:53 a.m.: "Rough Boys," Pete Townshend
8/18, 7:59 a.m.: "Life in a Northern Town," The Dream Academy
8/19, 7:28 a.m.: "Dear Catastrophe Waitress," Belle & Sebastian

So if I were to do some sort of impressionistic writing assignment based on this, it would look something like this:

I'm sorry that he hit you with a full can of coke; it's no joke. But if the world's at large, why should I remain? I like your picture, so here I go, don't let me go, and we are vagabonds. Idle hands can break your heart, rough boys. (Anybody remember the words to "Shapes?")

Only 50,000,000 words to go and I can be the next Gertrude Stein. Or something.

Posted at August 19, 2005 10:02 PM

My iPod has its own favourites that it will choose on 'Random' over and over, ignoring several tracks that I have the temerity to deem 'listenable'

Posted by: Greavsie on August 20, 2005 08:26 AM
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