* 2005 accomplishments - build a list of 2005 successes
V The power of Outcome Focusing
* The power of GTD is that it focuses on outcomes - we develop the tips and tricks to do so.
V 2 aspects of why visualization has power (at any level from runway to 50000)
* Need to see how to get from point A to point x
* Need to have energy to get there (haveto juice)
* The weekly review is a place where doneness can be conceived (and this is how projects should be described). Developing a picture of completion
* Focusing is filtering.
* Comfort zone - to change behaviors, learn to change the comfort zone. Make a lack of a list, or the weekly review necessity, part of the comfort zone.
* Consider doing regular self-reviews (quarterly and annual)
V For 2006, do a self-goal plan (or upcoming 40th birthday)
* goals should be 50% believable
* one or some should be in a three month target range.
* can larger goals be broken into 3 month timeframes?
* This list can become part of weekly review. Some may be projects, a number are likely larger. Some may become S/M goals
V Consider building an image for how each of us wants GTDConnect to work for us
* what are our goals
* what will we be like in 12 months
V Submitted Questions
V AZ filing system - how does it work
V Maintains two file systems
* ready reference
* general reference/research
* files by vendor names, likes to file front to back chronologically
V Reading lists
V 2 issues
* if it is something that needs to be read, goes on context list where the object is (@everywhere, @office, etc)
* If it is just something to read sometime, can go on a someday/maybe list or a toRead list
* Per Steve Leveen, build a list of 'candidate' books. Put these on a specific place to be browsed periodically. be strategic about what you want to read.
V Question of split between S/M and Project lists
* if it is something that is planned to be moved on, designate actions and it is on the project list
* If it is not yet to be moved on, on Someday/Maybe
* It is ok to do some lightweight planning on s/m items
V Question of multiple systems
* very personal decision. Sometimes you have multiple systems
* Important key is to have some sort of master control
* Build proper boundaries between the systems
V Vertical planning
* reoutlines, promotion of new template pack on site
V Overorganizing
* no simple answer. Focus on quality rather than quantity.
* "Is my head empty or not"?
V Problems of focus
* practice and training in saying "no"
* performing the weekly review regularly helps in learning what is actually important on your lists and on a daily basis.
* It takes time to change behaviors
V Question of momentum
* Comfort zone. Takes time to get there. Keep envisioning what it will be like when you're at mind-like-water. Take comfort that you know when you are offkilter, which many people don't have.
V How do you start when overwhelmed.
* Grab a simple stake in the ground. Make an in basket and 2 hours.
* Just start.
* Use the place you feel most in control to start and build out from there.
V How to make buying decisions productively
* beware analysis paralysis.
* trust intuition, it is usually right or close to it.
V Sources of aversion to items on NA list
V No solid answer.
* may often stem from a fear of the list controlling (so let the list serve you instead)
* The system is your servant.
* If it is really creating aversion, blow it up. Drop it and rebuild.
* Reminder - if you aren't doing weekly reviews, you're doing the weekly review all the time, just badly.
V Live questions
* Comment: for toread, just use the Amazon wishlist. can then purchase adhoc at next time around
* Question about singletons vs projects. Usually DA doesn't tie actions back to projects. Most singletons are part of meta projects ("Call brother for a happy bday wish" is part of a higher 'interpersonal' project.
* Question of computer filing: DA doesn't have a good solution, yet. It tends to morph as we morph. Strives for simplicity
V Question about making a NA category for leverage. Is often driven by personal payoff - how many other things will it move forward, etc. DA doesn't have anything yet calibrated to show.
* pay attention to where you are at the moment of choice. When in cleanup mode, often not quite the right time to set goals.
* Learn to trust intuition.
* Comment: when at overwhelm, builds a mindmap. Question of how to move things from mindmap to GTD system. Generally need to cut and paste back. Need discipline to bring things back out. Reminder that system needs to be as fast as necessary, concerns about weight of some of the current options.
* Question about TheBrain and incorporation into GTD. DA hasn't yet. Brain allows you to build the neural network, which is very useful for building a strong mental map, connecting disparate elements. But doesn't map to the operational functions required for GTD. The Brain is a great parking lot for ideas and thoughts.
V Thanks for coming. Feedback desired, route through Rick.
* Be sure to process your notes.