So last night Anne and I went off to see The Hours (admittedly, not the most cheerful of New Year's Filmic entertainment, but much enjoyed by both of us. The life of English Majors, or something.
Scenes in Virginia and Leonard Woolf's house. Books and manuscripts piled upon every flat surface - the desks, the chairs, the tables, the sidetables, the bed, the floor, the stairs.
Anne turns to me, whispering.
Anne: If we're not careful, we're going to end up with books all over like that.
Eric: We already have books everywhere.
Anne: Yes, but not piled on the stairs.
Eric: Only because we don't have any stairs.
Eric (internal): Maybe we should get some stairs...
My personal record: 250 in the trunk of my car for six months. I wasn't homeless either.
Posted by: brian on January 2, 2003 10:31 AM