I wondered what became of the Data Domain in that last entry. Some sightings peeled out of Googling around.
Ray Borrill now has his own website (called The Data Domain). It's in the beginning stages, but since Ray has so many good stories to tell, I am sure it will evolve into a gem. It can be found at:
Posted by: Andy Molloy on May 3, 2003 03:48 PMWell, I'm alive, and kicking, if not too energeticly.
My website is in limbo and virrtually useless as is. I need help but can't afford to hire anyone so I'm looking for a volunteer like Andy Molloy. Indeed, Mike Swaine did work for me for a couple of years, and is still a good friend. Several other people who have made a name for themselves are also DD alumni. John Lombardi bought his first Apple II from us. For anyone who remembers, I quit smoking almost 14 years ago after 3 to 4 packs a day ssince I was 12 or 13. I just quit, cold turkey, and it was so easy no one believes me. The Narcolepsy/sCataplexy that plagued me has grown so much worse that I fall asleep constantly and fall down very often, which puts the screws to most outside activity. I also have severe RLS which may not kill me but will drive me nuts someday.
Keep checking the website. it will grow up one of these days.
Hi again, and please forgive the second post is as many hours, but I have to ask for a little more information. I got my first look at your efforts via Google.
How are we connected? Do I, or should I know you? I see by looking around Google that you are familiar with Bloomington. Did you know Mike Swaine as a student? I first met him when I was the Psych Dept. first computer systems engineer.
Please let me know whatever you can. I love mysteries, but only if they can be solved.
Ray Borrill
Ray Borrill's website for The Data Domain now sits at its own domain:
Posted by: Andy Molloy on August 13, 2003 06:22 PM