March 14, 2003
Favorite Things

I've spoken with various people over the last couple years about my dislike for all the looky-loos who wander the streets of N Michigan Ave., tourists gazing at the shop windows, families with small packs of kids walking 5 abreast. I can be a bit of a grumpy old man well before my time.

But these obstacles also, I've determined, provide me with a perverse sort of pleasure.

Tonight as I was walking up the avenue to meet up with AZ for our regular Friday dinner and a movie (Tonight's Pick was Old School; summary: dumb but great fun, enlivened by use of creative chestnut songs and jokes, including a credits appearance by the mighty Killdozer. Not a lot of plot, but as good as reported), I realised that as I was bobbing and weaving along, plugged into a nice bouncy compilation I really enjoyed the challenge of it, walking through these crowds of people at a brisk pace, anticipating the near chaotic flows of the people around me, yet seeing all the things as I walked past - the Apple Store to be, the displays in the windows, the itinerent saxophonist who manages to sell CDs... It's no Le Mans, but it's challenge enough for me.

Ah, city living...

Posted by esinclai at March 14, 2003 10:38 PM |

Back when I worked on Michigan Ave. (444 N.) I prided myself on being able to walk make it from the Trib to the Water Tower in less than 10 minutes during peak tourist season. Lots of fun, that. Good exercise.

Posted by: Andrew on March 15, 2003 03:39 PM

I could do it in 10 minutes or less, too. The whole time in my head, a mantra: "Get me away from these people! Get me away from these people!"

Posted by: Laurie on March 21, 2003 07:05 PM
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