Laura Trippi, Compose Yourself: Branding, Blogging, and the Fog of War
New research, somewhat inchoate
Two genres: Defense Transformation and "Digital Commons / P2P / Social Software / SmartMobs"
See diagram
Both work in disruptive technologies.
Also, both use complex system theory / network science.
By thinking of these as genres (Bakhtian), draw attention to their relational space. Each is intensely dialogical - communication betwixt nodes and in the attention to each node. Each has directional narrative, but these narratives are not inherrent IN the genre.
Common source (disruptive tech), common values (free markets and evolutionary dynamics (as a reflection of free markets).
Defense transformation focuses on prioritisation of informational tech. In this information is at the same level as other resources - a primary position.
Change from strength to speed / stealth / precision. Causing the adversary to distrust their own self-understanding. Concept of self and enemy is as system of systems.
Argues that the defense elements managed to produce the 'fog of war' (through the harnessing of the disruptive tech understanding?).
Takes issue with the notion of a second superpower being drawn forth our of technology, emergent democracy, etc.
Branding as denial of a perceived truth about a service. And the official branding of the war (the statue toppling, the uncropped vision of the tiny crowd in contrast). And the emergent populist icon of the iraqi information minister, either absurd, or as an exposure of the branding of the war.
Two last points: war on terror as extension of the cultural wars, and the risks of trusting to software rather than theorizing or the role of beauracratic creation of emerging democracy.
The strategy of speed and stealth is not limited to the battlefield, but also to political legislation and discourse.
Defense Initiative as a firm narrative, and the blogging / emergent community has a lack of narrative - thus easy to overwhelm.
[warmed up at end under pressure of time]
Posted by esinclai at May 31, 2003 02:55 PM |