July 20, 2003

Garry Trudeau does a swell job of drawing out the delineations of political reality, but sometimes overlooked is his attention to detail for domestic reality. As a reader from the start (well, post-Yale), I still delight in that same attention.

Today's strip is an excellent case in point. On my once or twice daily tithings to the gods of stimulant and sociality, I wonder much the same thing.

At this same time, let me remind you of the fineness of iComic.... Making the reading and reference to the comics easy, but retaining access to those capital generating methods the comics require.

Posted by esinclai at July 20, 2003 10:17 AM |

Of course, Trudeau is apparently unaware that you can order a "short" at Starbuck's as well. *That's* the "small" size. It's rarely on the menu, though.

But that would've broken the strip.

Posted by: Scott on July 20, 2003 05:51 PM
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