September 29, 2003
Phones Phones Phones

According to the Guardian, the bidding process for the new Iraqi phone system is winding down. This has been mired in politics from day one, of course, with reports of Qualcomm personnel lobbying heavily for their technologies, and it looks like the end game gets no cleaner.

My favorite part in the piece, however, is the aside about the Bahraini company that set up - for a couple days at least - a rogue GSM network in Iraq. The audacity and boldness of that is striking.

Posted by esinclai at September 29, 2003 09:04 PM |

Is it more bold and audacious to actually attempt to give the Iraqi people access to cel phones, which most countries all but take for granted, than to shut down such a system because said Bahraini company did not donate to the Bush campaign in 2000?

Posted by: Steve S. on October 6, 2003 09:23 AM
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