January 29, 2004
Purple References

A friend and I resumed a long and attenuated conversation last night about various info gathering, presentation, and storage tools. One of my takeaways was to provide him with a quick list of purple resources. For 'posterity' (in the web sense, this is pretty fleeting...) I repost them here.

Some purple links:

Posted by esinclai at January 29, 2004 06:35 AM |

Not a PHP Wiki, but a Python Wiki -- ZWiki in particular. Michael Mell did the modifications for purpling ZWiki.

Matt Schneider, the author of PurpleSlurple, came up with the best example (in my opinion) for why we need purple numbers. I mention it in my blog.

Posted by: Eugene Eric Kim on January 29, 2004 10:06 PM
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