April 06, 2004
Bits to Read

Two interesting reading bits from the world of collab today...

One is from our man Chris Dent on adaptive software and Indiana University's Knowledge Base, a paper titled, oddly enough, Adaptive Knowledge Base Development. Chris is blending a number of ideas, my favorites still be small pieces and unintended uses, and applying it to an old friend of a project.

Secondly, and in the same latticework of contacts, Eugene Eric Kim has a piece in the current issue of DDJ (deadtree or paid subscription only, alas) on some of his beliefs of what the core elements for effective collaboration tools are. Much of the discussion is close to that which occurs in the BlueOxen collaboratories, but nicely oriented to audiences less versed in the background.

Posted by esinclai at April 06, 2004 08:59 AM |

My manifesto is now on the Web.

Posted by: Eugene Eric Kim on April 6, 2004 01:50 PM
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