April 20, 2004

Jon Galloway has some complaints about using LazyWeb.org, which should provide some additional research fodder for my 'how successful is lazyweb' idea from earlier (languishing but not forgotten). If it's too hard, it isn't Lazy

Jon also points to the HalfBakery, which seems to be in a similar vein of distributed discovery.

Posted by esinclai at April 20, 2004 06:54 AM |

More question than complaint - I couldn't get it working from my weblogs.asp.net blog, which uses .Text. It may be that LazyWeb only works with MT, or .Text doesn't expose Trackbacks the same way MT does. In the .Text system, you don't create trackbacks, the posts are scanned and trackbacks are attempted on all urls (I think).

I think it's a great idea, just can't get it to work!

Posted by: Jon Galloway on April 22, 2004 02:19 AM
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