This guide to common writing mistakes (discovery via looks to be a worthwhile read. In an age and technical leap where we can publish to the waiting masses (be they the 10 readers of this blog, or the thousands of a blog like idlewords), investing in our ability to use language always pays off.
We don't all have inhouse editors (or the ability to pay editorial consultants). Self-help ahoy!
Also worth noting, of course, is Eats, Shoots & Leaves, currently getting both offline and online press galore.
Posted by esinclai at April 28, 2004 06:37 AM |Excellent find.
Posted by: Greg on April 28, 2004 09:51 AMEats, Shoots & Leaves was featured in my last Common Reader catalog. They usually steer me right about such things.
It is worth mentioning that Strunk & White is actually an affordable little book which is pleasant to read and reread.
Posted by: Matt Liggett on April 28, 2004 02:12 PMHeh... hundreds, not thousands.
But hundreds of the most refined, elite readers on the Internet, of course.
Posted by: Maciej Ceglowski on April 28, 2004 02:35 PM