May 03, 2004
Positive and Negative; Collective!

One of the core elements of management systems like GTD is the concept of a trusted repository of information, plans, and actions. This is necessarily challenging to consistently achieve in immediate terms, for trust only comes through measured and regular use over time, a forming of habit in ability.

Two recent musings from different angles on this. Kimbro's very often linked Notebook Book and this morning Speak-Up's Sketchbook Ode.

Passing through my thoughts recently via emv is marginalia, another form of this collection, but not aggregated into a tightly trusted system, but more as a mnemonic and happenstance recollection. Equally powerful as part of the whole.

Posted by esinclai at May 03, 2004 06:48 AM |

I really like the "trusted repository" idea, as an idea, but I find it very difficult in practice.

I'm attracted like a monkey to shiny objects in the form of new technologies and formats to store information, plans, actions, and doodles in. Sometimes these attractions are long-lived, sometimes they are short-lived. The new tool activates new ideas and shakes loose something interesting by its novelty.

Posted by: Edward Vielmetti on May 3, 2004 02:40 PM
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