Between Mike's discussion of the Seattle Public Library building (and I just wanna know where Rem gets the time to do all this - he just finished the UIC project this past year....) contrasting the deep design (see the Muschamp article in today's NYT today for details), and Adina Levin on the Austin Public Library and their deep strangeness without apparent design, it's been a good day for library linkage.
I do kinda want to see the SeaPub building, though. Though the Randtriever compact storage experiment in Bloomington (Mike's dates are off a bit - it was installed with the construction in 1968, and then finally decommissioned and removed in 1987) wasn't a success, they can be (though I hear the National Library of Paris' system also has problems...)
Posted by esinclai at May 16, 2004 03:51 PM |