AZ has brought to my attention a new Guardian (or as some wags put it, Grauniad) piece about London and those who get lost there...
My question is... when was AZ there without me? Who is that confused man she's assisting? The gall, the unmitigated gall, of going to London without me!
Truly though, this does happen often to us - when we were in London last we were asked for directions. When we go to Manhattan, people ask us for directions. We usually have a map, or an A-Z... and apparently a self-assured air.
Posted by esinclai at May 18, 2004 10:14 PM |Could it be during my "Austin Powers, Editor of Mystery" phase? Alas, the shoes give it away...I could never wear anything that pointy. Also, the bag is way too impractical for me.
Posted by: Anne on May 19, 2004 12:20 PM