December 30, 2004
Beware! Marmite! Marmite!!

Originally uploaded by Tom Coates.
Mmmm. Salty Deliciousness. Surely Dent is digging into some on his journey.
Posted by esinclai at December 30, 2004 09:39 AM |

This post needs a warning label.

Posted by: Dr. Surly on December 30, 2004 11:38 AM

Just today we were bemoaning the fact that the Indian stores around here doesn't seem to stock Marmite/Vegemite. We know it by the first name of course, but we'd even put up with Australian affectations in our quest ;-)

Not that Marmite is really used in India, of course, (I would have to search for a "Customs Notified" store there if I wanted it), it is just that most Indian stores end up with a "British" section too. And while the prices are obviously inflated in the Indian stores, they're not a patch on those in the British stores here!

It's times like this that I almost wish I was back in Illinois, with the potential for a trip to Devon Street to stock up on some essentials :-)


PS: There are a few other of this yeast extract variants, some meat based. Fray Bentos comes to mind. It has a picture of a cow on the bottle. The 4yo still calls Marmite "koei" (cow)

Posted by: Sivani on December 31, 2004 05:39 PM

Hmm, and if I bother to read over what I have written *before* I hit post I might even be able to fix a few errors of concord and the like. Who knows, I might even stop run-on sentences and punctuate properly.

Posted by: Sivani on December 31, 2004 05:41 PM

Check. Sorted.

Posted by: Chris Dent on January 5, 2005 06:42 AM
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