November 17, 2005
Bibs and Bobs

There's an upcoming Ruby on Rails meets Python's Django (aka Snakes and Rubies) discussion to be held here on 3 December. It's probably unlikely to have the same hipster quotient as did the Evening at the Adler preso did, but it should be interesting.

QotD: "The subtext of all rock songs is 'Will you pull your pants down'" -- Bruce Springsteen

Desired future iPod feature (esp for podcasts...) "Auto-Yakking-Leap", where I could autoskip the yakking that poorly produced podcasters shove into their shows. Could be implemented with basic audio recognition to just skip the next three "um" sounds....

Fun typo search that shouldn't work: Tuby on Rails.

Posted by esinclai at November 17, 2005 06:37 AM |
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