January 23, 2006
Recommended Viewing

We recently had some subscription problems with McSweeney's lately... But they're all straightened out now, thanks.

When we received the most recent issue of the mag, they bundled a sample (premiere) issue of Wholphin. I've only dipped into it, but it's worth seeking out if for nothing but the Spike Jonze portrait of Al Gore from the 2000 presidential campaign. It's a human Gore, much like the portrait drawn by Nicholas Lemann in a New Yorker piece published in that same year. Gore is even more humanized here, relaxing with family, casually discussing policy in broad strokes in one cut, but deciding on a family film or showing off family artworks in another.

It's all a bit depressing, when you see some politicians running with good impulses inside them, but those same impulses rarely get seen or exemplified in office.

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Posted by esinclai at January 23, 2006 06:22 AM |