February 05, 2006

A week or so ago, we discovered that my pal Mike's childhood home has been purchased by a mutual friend of ours from childhood. It's lovely news, for several reasons.

First of all, it brings this place of memory back into the extended family, but recontextualizes it as a generational shift. The person moving in is an adult now (as we all have become), while when Mike moved out he was a late adolescent (though having known him lo these many years, the man he has become was indeed visible then).

It's also led to some fine writing by Mike, as he revisits his experiences in the overall house, the yard, the basement, and his own room.

For my part, the house has many memories for me - not as deep as his, but memories of many hours with Mike, Suz and his family. I'm pleased to know who the new owner is, and that its in good hands to create new memories.

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Posted by esinclai at February 05, 2006 09:50 PM |
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