February 09, 2006
Appcasting Commoditization

In TidBITS' service ExtraBITS this morning, Glenn Fleishman highlights the new Sparkle, a new service to provide a standard toolkit for applications to appcast themselves. Handy, and this comes yet closer to some of the discussions David and I have had about How Updates Should Work.

Happily, Glenn overlaps with some of our ideas; signing of code, the potential for centralized services like VersionTracker or MacUpdate (though it is worth noting that our frustration with these sites, and our relative pleasure with Apple's Updater, was the progenitor of this conversation), and so forth. Maybe things will move forward nicely.

When Fraser Speirs first tossed the Appcasting meme about, it looked cool. Now it looks cool-er thanks to a toolkit.

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Posted by esinclai at February 09, 2006 06:34 AM |
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