February 18, 2006
iWeb Adoption

Imagine my modicum of surprise when Ben Hammersley posted that he's moved to using iLife '06's iWeb as his weblog production tool:

So what happened to Movable Type?:
I’m using iWeb, and I like it. There I admitted it. Forgive me, web purists, but this is really nice.

He makes a decent argument - it's easier to maintain, a lack of comment spam (implied), and "It Just Works" come high on his list. And the relief that unlike what he does with his day job (write books on Movable Type, configure webloggetry for The Guardian, etc), he doesn't have to futz with it much.

Combine this with the wedding invitation AZ and I received today pointing to an iWeb created wedding website, and... could this be the leading edge of simple desktop tools bringing the ends closer to the desires for more people?

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Posted by esinclai at February 18, 2006 04:48 PM |
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