February 19, 2006
Goodbye / Hello

This evening we took the last ride we'll get from the current Rockwell Stop on the Brown Line for the near future. Over the next six months the station will be destroyed, signals rebuilt, and station reworked to be ADA compliant and expanded to support 8 cars (which it won't actually be able to do for a few more years until the entire Brown Line project is completed sometime in, I suspect, 2009).

The Greater Rockwell Organization had organized a sunset ride on the L from Rockwell to Kedzie (also undergoing restructuring during this phase of the project), which was bittersweet and much fun. It was almost marred by the overzealous security guard warning us that we were not allowed to take photos on CTA property, but this 'everything changed since 9/11' attitude was quietly mocked and roundly ignored - see AZ soon for some snaps.

So long, friendly Rockwell station. I'll always remember you as the cutest station on the line!

AZ and I did get to welcome a new addition to our repertoire. Our little Rockwell Avenue has changed considerably since we moved into the neighborhood. We've got a nice bar/restaurant in the form of Rockwell's Neighborhood Grill, a new dry cleaner, an organic friendly minimart, a decent coffeeshop, and now the small Bosnian cafe - Art Cafe - has reopened, with additions to the fine fare AZ and I enjoyed on their first opening 3 years or so ago. They now have wood oven pizza in unique combinations. Tonight GRO organized a pizza party after our cold ride on the Brown Line, and the pizza - I sampled a vegetarian pizza with peas, onions, tomato and water chestnut, a ham and onion, and a onion, pepper and home-smoked meat - is truly delicious. AZ and I will be going back, soon and (I hope) often.

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Posted by esinclai at February 19, 2006 10:16 PM |
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