Or, as someone memorably used on a mailing list I'm on "Rats to Rhubarb!"
A couple-three weeks ago I had a water -> keyboard accident with my trusty Powerbook, which ended up frying the inverter board (meaning: no LCD monitor). This beast is out of even the extended AppleCare coverage, so I sucked in my gut and ponied up for a repair to buy me some time - the theory being that a couple more months (read: WWDC) of rumor tracking will help me make a smarter Intel transition.
Then this weekend the Superdrive started making an unpleasant clicky noise for every disk (burned, manufactured, CDR, CD, DVD, &c) inserted and rejected. Fun console errors, e.g.:
Jul 1 22:52:50 molly kernel[0]: disk2: I/O error. Jul 1 22:52:50 molly kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, ASC = 0x09, ASCQ = 0x90 Jul 1 22:52:51 molly kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, ASC = 0x09, ASCQ = 0x90 . . .
It's going to be a long month.
Update 2006-07-04: Through some unknown miracle, after sleeping for several hours, the drive worked again for a while. So this is likely some heat related failing; not a good thing, but this provides a kludgey workaround for the next couple months, at least.
Technorati Tags: apple
Posted by esinclai at July 03, 2006 10:39 PM |Great Ceasar's Ghost! What a drag.
It's looking like a two-month horizon for me, too. Unless I excercise fiscal restraint and just buy a Windows box - I'm gonna need to run Access at home regularly soon.
I guess I should prolly just reload softwindows or whatever the emulation environment is for now, huh?
Posted by: mike on July 4, 2006 01:40 PMSo far, so good with my transition. Biggest gripes: heat (really only an issue when we hit the 90's here), failure to resume from sleep ("black screen of death?"), and occasional UI lock-ups.
Biggest joys: bright display, eye-candy, lots of new things to learn, and the ability to use mainstream commercial software without losing UNIX.
Not bad considering that I'm transitioning from Linux. You already know what I was giving up...
Posted by: MrCozy on July 4, 2006 09:06 PM