INTRODUCTION Welcome to the second issue of Marginal Press Project an issue more focused on the whole than the last, thanks to the inclusion of Bob Black's extensive, albeit incomplete, bibliography of the works of Gerry Reith. If you don't know who Gerry Reith is, I'm not the best man to tell you. The best places to find out are either Bob Black's "Mailing their way into Anarchy," cited last issue, or the introduction or one of the reviews of Gerry Reith~s book Neutron Gun ( 1 ). Suffice to say that he's an interesting and tragic figure whose works are still popping up here and there. Unfortunately, my consideration of his published works is incomplete, and I am unable to upate it sufficiently. Perhaps next issue I'll be able to offer a more complete version. While I'm on the subject, if anyone has any updates for the Reith bibliography, or any part of MPP, please send them to me at the address above, where they are much appreciated, needed, and treated with loving care. UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (in no particular order) NEW ENTRIES Carstensen, Jeanne. "Mail Art." Whole Earth Review( 5 ) (Winter 1987). 84-86. A brief, but fun, article that could be subtitled "how I got involved in Mail Art, how it was fun, and how and why you should to!" interesting because it plays down the arty or critical aspects, and concentrates on the community aspects of Mail Art, which is what all this is about, anyway. Cartensen Jeanne. "'Zines: Your Right to Rave." Whole Earth Review(A HREF="#foot5" > 5 ). Winter 1987. 46-47. Another cheery article about this stuff, detailing briefly how to get in touch (subscribe to Factsheet Five( 6 ) for starters) and reviewing a few 'Zines on her own. Ciaffardini, Dave. "Cassette Activism." Whole Earth Review( 5 ). Winter 1987. 111-112. The editor of Sound Choice ( 7 ) gives a list of potential tie in's for the cassette network, in form of publications and "networking-oriented casette labels and individuals." Clark, Brian C. "The Politics of Small: Little Magazines & Culture." Comet Halley Mag ( 8 ) n6 (Final Issue). 1-21. An article written as the final paper of Clark's "Community and Culture" class. It's a well enough written piece (although apparently it was hurriedly typed), interesting in some of the ideas that Clark is trying to draw out, and includes a set of 20 odd notes. Worth looking into if you want a brief analysis that is both insider and academic at the same time. Dewey, Tom. "Delta Blues Mail Art Exhibition." Living Blues ( 9 ) v19 n2 (March/April 1988). 31-32 Documentation of an exhibition of Mail Art from an unlikely source. Sounds like an interesting show, and the article probably opened some eyes to another voice of commonality. Goins, Brad. Contact List ( 10 ). This is a list of contacts (thus the title). Worthy of a good look. It's interesting to note that in most of the overviews many of the same names keep turning up. Are these to become the "celebrities" Of the undercurrent? And if so, why don't they make any money at this? Held, John Jr. "Mail Art/Artists Postage Stamps." ( 11 ) A program for an exhibit of John's collection at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, in late 1986. Includes a brief article by Held on the history and philosophy surrounding Mail Art. Kinney, Jay. Reviews of Semiotext[e] USA( 12 ) and Apocalypse Culture( 13 ). Whole Earth Review( 5 ) n59 (Summer 1988). 50-51. Another entry for WER in these pages. Jay Kinney seems most prominent in getting sources of the bizzarre (or "Avante Garde") into the pages of this journal. Along with thoughts of superstars in the genre, what is the effect of this apparent success? Is there a movement? What's happening here? Any ideas? I want to see and disseminate them. Anyway, Kinney gives a positive review to both these works. The play in WER. may have something to do with their book on the subject coming out in the near future. Or it may be a giant conspiracy to co-opt the free speech and preserve it in amber between book covers. Plaster casts of anguished screams like Pompeii, is that where it's going to end up? Klawans, Stewart. "The Small Time." The Nation (December 13, 1986) 675-676. This is the article I was trying (in vain) to find for last time. In it, Klawans makes his recommendation of Popular Reality, and discusses Jack Saunders' work as well - perhaps positively, perhaps pejoratively. He has carefully chosen his words. Pareles, Jon. "Cassette Culture." Whole Earth Review( 5 ) (Winter 1987). 110-111. Overview of the apparently burgeoning group of people recording, distributing and enjoying tapes made on the cheap. I haven't tried to tap into this yet, but it's an encouraging article. Reprinted from The New York Times. (!!) Patrick, Tom. "Xerography." Whole Earth Review( 5 ) (Winter 1987). 42-44. This "posturban Artist" gives a quick guide to the basic concepts of Xerox art (reduction, enlargement, degeneration, etc) and lists some of his favorite magazines in the genre. Incorporates a second article entitled "Xerography, what are you good for? Let me count the ways." which is full ot the usual clever ideas that we all love. RECEIPTS
There we have it, the list for this time around. Hope something of worth was in there for you. In sum, however, I feel that I am presented with question. With what seems to be gathering on the horizon is a flurry of more mainstream (sidestream?) works on the underground. What do you think is going to happen because of this, if anything? If anyone has any ideas, I would really (hey, said it twice!) like to hear them, and with your permission, disseminate them. As soon as I getm say, four pages of ideas, I'll put out a mailing to those who express an interest. If you want in on this, let me know - drop me your idea of the future. I'm curious about the whole realm ot the area, from marginal 'zines to mail art to sounds (major releases from bands only you had ever heard of) and so forth. As for me, I'm as yet undecided. I fear that it'll explode in a explosive, yet small, whirlwind of media attention and then die back down again - shattered and empty. Time shall tell. Special thanks this time to anyone who requested the first issue, and especially those who made helpful suggestions or sent submissions or faith through the mails. A big thanks to Bob Black for his GR bibliography which follows. The Biggest Thanks of all to Liz for all her support of me and her help on MPP. Keep in touch, and send ideas to share- Eric The Gerry Reith Bibliography (July 1988) "Anarchfesto Critique" (letter). Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed. n6 (Aug 1985): 6. "Bad Company." Review of Niven and Pournelle, Oath of Fealty. Prometheus. v.2, n2 (April 1984): 4-5. "Being Against Motherhood Does Not Go Over in Peoria." Inside Joke. n13 (July 1983): 19. "Case Studies". Inside Joke nl3 (Aug 1982): ???. "Closing Redux." Inside Joke n24 (Sept 1983): 4. "Communication" and "Conflicting Virtues." Inside Joke n8 (March 1982): ???. "Cost/Benefit Equations." in The Death Collection ed. Gregory Altreuer. Ann Arbor: Neither/Nor Press, April 1982, pp8,10,12,14. "The Devil's Day Off." Inside Joke. n11 (June 1982): 9-10. "The Devil's Day Off." The Moorish Science Monitor v11 n8 (Winter 19987/1988): not paginated. "Doctor, Doctor, Fix me Up." (poem) Seditious Delicious n1 (Winter 1984). (unpaginated). ~Drifting in One Spot 1." Inside Joke. n26 (Nov 1983): 8. "Drifting in One Spot II" Minifictions Five (1984). "The Edwards Hotel." The Connection n115 (Nov 6, 1983): 73. "The Epistle of Gerry to the Connectors, Section Seven." The Connection n115 (Nov 6, 1983): 61-62. "Errata?" The Connection n116 (Dec 118, 1983): 59-60. "Explaining 'Bob' -- And Other Matters of Critical Importance." The Connection n107 (Oct 23, 1982): 58-60. "Foreign Policy" Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed n9 (Dec 1985/Jan 1986): 4-5 . "Fraud, Cheat, Lie, Thrill." Inside Joke n16 (Dec l982): ???. "Future Thoughts 1." Inside Joke n19 (March 1983): ???. "Gerry Reith on Processed World." Frefenzine n58 (April 19, 1986): unpaginated. 'Gerry Reith on Procesed World.' SRAFBull n94 (April/May 1986): 12. "Ignore the Five." The Spark v1 n2 (Sept-Oct 1983): unpaginated. "An Introduction to Subgenius Theology: Brief Examination of Several Doctrinal Points. The Stark Fist of Removal n39 v17 (1982): 21-22. "K. goes to the Lecture." Inside Joke n7 (Jan 1983): ???. "Kidnapped!" The Stark Fist of Removal. n41 v17 (1984): 35. Letter to Freddie Baer quoted (slightly abridged) in Bob Black "Occidental Death of an Anarchist." The Connection n119 (April 20, 1984): 9-12. Letter. Rhubarb. v1 n4 (March 5, 1983): 7. Letter to "Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro." SRAFBull n81 not dated, unpaginated. Letter to "Opposers." SRAFBull n76 (Sept l982): unpaginated. Letter "To the Roundtable." SRAFBull n78 (Dec 1982): unpaginated. Letter "To whom it may concern." SRAFBull n85 (not dated, unpaginated). "Letter. The Stark Fist of Removal. n41 v17 (1984): 92. (On tENT's tunnel jape.) "Letter From the Graveyard Shift." OVO n1 ~(1986): unpaginated. "Letter From the Graveyard Shift." SRAFBull n96 (Aug-Sept 1986): 2,15. "Letter fFrom the Graveyard Shift." Vultur n1 (Spring 1985): 3. French trans1ation, "Lettre d'outre tombe," at p11. "Manifesto Notes,1." Inside Joke, n22 (June 1983): 11. "The Mechanics of TC -- a note." The Connection n110 (March 6 1983)" 53-56,61. "Melpom[ne]'s Little Sister Georgene." Inside Joke n29 (Winter-Spring 1084): ???. "My Contribution for the Next Issue. . ." The Connection n111 (April 16, 1983): 67-71. Neutron Gun. Assembled by Gerry Reith. Ann Arbor/New York: Neither/Nor Press. 1985. Reith Texts: "Warning, You Have Just Entered an Advanced Sector";"... to rust Unburnished"; "Kings of Orient, Dresden, D.C."; "Fraud~, Cheat, Lie, Thrill"; "Foreign Policy"; "John's Adventure";"Cost/Benefit Equations"; and "Twilight to Authority." Neutron Gun. Assembled by Gerry Reith. Second Edition. Ann Arbor/New York: Neither/Nor Press. (Reith Texts, in addition to those in the First Edition, are: "Run for Omniphobia," second frontispiece; "Truth is Lies"; end page; "Gerry Reith's Post-Mortem Addendum," pp .66-68 (from the Letter to Freddie Baer reprinted in The Connection, and Correspondence with Neither/Nor); and an untitled Cartoon, p68.) "Nightime for the Postman." (poem). Seditious Delicious n4 (Autumn 1984): (unpaginated). "Not[e] on the Impossibility of Reading Your Way to Liberty." The Spark. v1, n5 (May/June 1094): (unpaginated) 2. "Number 8 Number 8." Inside Joke n19 (March 1983): 8. "An Objective Lesson." Inside Joke. n22 (July 1983: 25. "On Processed World." The Connection n133 (Jan 27 l986): 118. "Opombe k tezi, da je v svobodo nemogoce priti z branjem (pp 86-89); Kritica anarchista (pp 100-101)," "Johnova dogodivscina (pp 107-120)," "Polemika proti novopisu (pp129-130)," in Pozdravi iz Babilona ed Bob Black and Gregor Tomc. Ljubljana, Yugoslavia: Knjiznica Revolucionae Teorije, 1987. (Slovene translations of "Note on the Impossibility of Reading Your Way to Liberty," "An anarchfesto Critique," "John~s Adventure," and "Polemic Against NeWrItE," respectively.) "The Opposite of the Exit" The Connection n112 (May 30, 1983): 40-44. (With two letters to newspapers, p44) "The Pleasure Palace, A Visit." Inside Joke n9 (April 1983): 7. "Prelude, True Anecdote, and An Observation." Inside Joke n10 (May 1982): 8. "Quixote: How to Use." BVI Pacifica vII n2 (1986-1987): 25-27. "Quixote, How to Use." Digressive Dialogues n1 (June 1 1987): 6-7. "Revisionist History for Children." Inside Joke n25 (Oct 1983): ???. "Rodeo Week in Sheridan," p77 "Singularity," pp77-78 and "Issues in Suspension" p78. The Connection n135 (April 27, 1986). "Rodeo Week in Sheridan," "Singularity," and "Issues in Suspension." Mallife n11 (Winter 1986): unpaginated. "Rodeo Week in Sheridan. " Philly Zine nr (1987): not paginated. "The Roots of Modern Terror." Between the Lines #5: 4. "The Roots of Modern Terror." The Stark Fist af Removal. n40, v17 (1983): 29. "The Roots of Modern Terror. X It Out n3 (SeptÑOct 1986): 24. "Run for Omniphobia." The Connection n114 (Sept 1983): 71. "Run for Omniphobia." in Semiotext[e] USA ed Jim Fleming and Peter Lamborn Wilson. New York: Autonomedia, Inc. 1987. p296. "Science Fiction: Qverrated." Frefenzine n58 (April 19, 1986): unpaginated. "Singularity," and "Issues in Suspension." Nightmares of Reason n3 (1987): not paginated. "Start at the Beginningngnow." The Connection n114 (Sept 111983): 69-70. "That Then I Scorn to Change My State." Inside Joke n14 (Sept 1982): ???. "There Is No Autonomy Without Authority." SRAFBull n83 (not dated, unpaginated). "These Ideas are in Everyone's Heads." The Connection n106 (Sept 12, 1982): 45-47. "Three Men in Dresden." Inside Joke n7 (Feb 1982): 11. (Same as "Kings of Orient . . .") ~Twilight to Authority." The Connection n118 (March 1984): 95-97. Untitled parable beginning "Diligent Historians..." Not Mellow (not dated, c.1983/84, unpaginated 2pp). Untitled Staffer Autobiography. Inside Joke n17 (Jan 1983): 3. "USA Sucks/USSR No. 1!" (poster). False Positive n2 (Late 1984): 19. "The Usual," pp13-15, "Libertarian for Hire," pp16-17, "Drifting in One Spot II," pp l18-20, "Digressions," pp21-22, and "Formulas," pp 23-24. The Connection n119 (April 29, 1984). "Variations on a Theme." Inside Joke n21 (May 1983): 9. "What's the News, Blues?" The Connection n113 (July 23, 1983): 70-73. "Winning Hearts and Minds." Anarchy: a JournaI of Desire Armed n11 (April 1986): 9. "Winning Hearts and Minds. Philly Zine n5 (1988): unpaginated. Winning Hearts and Minds," "Case Studies~," and "Quixote: How to Use." A Good Day to Die, ed John Bennett. Ellensburg Washington: Vagabond Press, 1985. pp52-54, 55-58, and 60-62, respectively. NOTES 3. Scarecrow Press, Inc. 52 Liberty St., Box 4167, Metuchen NJ 08440. 4. Utne Reader, back issues $4 from Utne Reader; 2732 W 43rd St; Minneapolis, MN 55410. 5. Back Issues $5.00 from Whole Earth Access, 2990 Secenth Street; Berkeley, CA 94710. 7. Sound Choice, PO Box 1251, Ojai, CA 93023. 12. Available for $9.95 postpaid from Autonomedia, PO Box 568; Brooklyn NY 11211. 13. $10.95 Postpaid From Amok Press; PO Box 51; Cooper Station NY 10276. 15. Subscriptions are $5 for 3 issues from ND; PO Box 4144; Austin, TX 78765. (circa 1987, Eric Sinclair, |